Join JSI at the 2021 Global Digital Health Forum
November 30th, 2021 | event
From December 6–8, JSI staff will attend the 2021 Global Digital Health Forum (GDHF), the leading global industry convention for technology vendors, funders, government, researchers, and organizations that advance public health.
This year’s theme is Improving Health Through Digital Transformation. Digital transformation applies technology, data, processes, and organizational change to improve existing practices or create new ones to expand the reach and quality of health care services. We help governments, donors, and local organizations around the world use technology to solve public health problems.
Register virtually and join our staff as they present their work at GDHF 2021.
2:20–3:30pm GMT
Improving Health Information Systems Using the ‘Stages of Continuous Improvement Tool.’ Derek Kunaka
4:45–5:45 pm GMT
Delivering Health in Conflict and Crisis: Community Health and Environmental Conservation: An Integrated Digital Health Solution in Tanzania, Craig Arnold
6:00–7:00 pm GMT
Lessons from Other Fields: Experiencia en la Implementación del Índice Global de Salud Digital en Centroamérica, Daniel Otzoy-Garcia
11:00am–12:00pm GMT
Strengthening Digital Health Ecosystems: Journey to Optimizing Master Facility Registry to Support FHIR Compliance Facility Data Exchange, Nebyou Azanaw
12:15–1:15 pm GMT
Strengthening Digital Health Ecosystems: Building Digital Health Implementation Capacity Through Engaging Local Youth in Ethiopia, Netsanet A Nigussie
12:30–1:30pm GMT
Expanding Access to Medicines and Commodities: Digital Transformation of the Family Planning Supply Chain System in Indonesia, Omar Balsara
Expanding Access to Medicines and Commodities: Aggregate to Patient-level Data for Evidence-Based Healthcare Delivery: Ethiopia’s Experience in EMR, Biruhtesfa Abere
1:45–2:45 pm GMT
Strengthening Digital Health Ecosystems: Rollout of District Health Information Software 2 Implementation and Improvement of Malaria, Joseph Fanor
Strengthening Digital Health Ecosystems: Filling the Human Resource Gaps in Low-Resource Setting Health Information System, Benti Ejeta
3:30–4:30 pm GMT
An Innovative Digital High Performing Health Care Tool: Measuring Progress toward UHC, Daniel Cothran
Help us Assess the One Health Information Assessment Tool. Romain Tohouri, Katie Thompson, Daniel Otzoy-Garcia, Steve Ollis
We strive to build lasting relationships to produce better health outcomes for all.