JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Saving Maternal and Newborn Lives with Misoprostol and Chlorhexidine


Nigeria ranks second highest in the world in maternal deaths, accounting for 14% of the global burden. One of TSHIP's most successful campaigns pioneered a two-drug initiative through culturally appropriate, low-tech, and high-impact interventions to protect both mother and newborn during and after birth. TSHIP advocated the development of the single-dose, three-pill prescription of misoprostol suitable for preventing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). A second medicine, chlorhexidine (CHX), is an easy-to-use antiseptic gel, which reduces infection in newborn cord stumps. When used together, misoprostol and CHX offer critical protection to both mother and child in the delicate time just after childbirth, commonly referred to as the ‘golden hour.’ JSI/TSHIP, 2015.

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