JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Massachusetts Commission on Falls Prevention Phase 2 Report: Recommendations of the Massachusetts Commission on Falls Prevention

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The MA Commission on Falls Prevention, the first of its kind in the nation, was established by the Massachusetts legislature to reduce the impact and cost of falls to the state’s older residents, their caregivers, and to the health care system. This report presents recommendations by the Massachusetts Commission on Falls Prevention to reduce the incidence of older adult falls and fall-related injuries in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. With this report, Phase 2: Recommendations of the Massachusetts Commission on Falls Prevention, the Commission provides recommendations to the Secretary of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and to the Legislature. The elevation of falls prevention as a state priority, and the engagement of stakeholders already involved in falls prevention strategies, makes this an opportune time to adopt systems-wide approaches that are effective and save health care dollars. JSI, 2015

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