JSI RESOURCES: Publications

STAR-EC Technical Brief: Promoting Condom Use for the Prevention of HIV in East Central Uganda


When used correctly, condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV. Widespread adoption of the consistent and correct use of condoms is critical to reducing the prevalence of HIV, and condom promotion is a central component of comprehensive, effective, and sustainable HIV prevention programming. In Uganda, where the national HIV prevalence among people aged 15-49 is roughly 7. ‘percent1, the government promotes condom use through the National Coordination Committee of the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Launched in 2009, STAR-EC has supported district health teams (DHTs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) to increase the availability, accessibility, and acceptability—the ‘3As’—of both male and female condoms in the region’s nine districts. After more than seven years of implementation, STAR-EC has supported the distribution of nearly 15 million condoms. The project has targeted the region’s high-risk populations, which include sex workers, truckers, fisher folk, boda boda drivers, and people who engage in transactional sex. STAR-EC, JSI, 2016

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