JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Scaling Up Chlorhexidine in Pakistan: A game changer for saving newborn lives


Although CHX had been added to the essential drug list, the lack of coordination between implementing partners and non-existent standard guidelines and protocols has resulted in fragmented CHX delivery in Pakistan.

This fragmentation prohibited possibilities for scale-up, as implementing partners were using different drug protocols and often working in silos. There was inadequate CHX supply because it was not locally manufactured, and there was little community-based demand.

USAID | Pakistan acknowledged the need for a coordinating mechanism to realize the national scale-up initiative, and in 2015 tasked the Health Systems Strengthening Component of USAID’s Maternal and Child Health program, implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., to streamline efforts between the Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination, provincial health departments, and other development partners.

The HSS Component embarked on a collaborative systems-based approach to develop national scale-up policies and guidelines and ensure availability and use of a standardized CHX regimen. JSI, 2017.

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