JSI RESOURCES: Publications

MCSP Mozambique Program Brief: Addressing the Denominator Conundrum for Maternal and Child Health Programs: a New Methodology


In 2011, Mozambique’s National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) recommended that the MOH revise the method it was using to estimate subnational-level target populations. Although it took some time to gain traction, in 2016, the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) worked closely with the MOH Public Health Directorate (DNSP) and the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to implement the NITAG’s recommendation.

This new methodology represents an important step toward improving the quality of Mozambique’s subnational and national population estimates, its program targets, and the coverage indicators that are based on both. Improved population estimates should lead to more effective planning, forecasting, monitoring and evaluation, and to better health outcomes in the future. JSI/Maternal & Child Survival Program. 2019.

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