JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Knowledge Cafe – Partnerships for Prevention of TB in India


The USAID-supported Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative (THALI) project in Kolkata and adjoining districts aims to catalyze a dynamic process of identifying, developing, testing, and scaling up successful innovative solutions to strengthen urban TB control, especially amongst urban slum dwellers, with a focus on women and girls.

To achieve complete coverage, testing innovative strategies and generating accurate and timely data to strengthen evidence-based decision-making becomes a necessity. To improve dialogue among the multiple stakeholders that play a role in TB prevention, the project, launched Knowledge Cafés — a platform for on-going sharing of ideas and best practices to inform the planning and implementation of TB service delivery.

This brief provides a summary of the first Knowledge Café, including highlights of discussions about partnerships for TB prevention as well as the public-private interface agency model. JSI India. 2018.

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