JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Rhode Island Ryan White Consumer Survey 2019


This document presents the results of a survey of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who access care services in Rhode Island.

The goals of the survey effort were to assess service utilization, barriers to care, needs that are not being met by current services, and risk and prevention behavior and also to determine social, demographic, and economic characteristics of PLWHA which might contribute to their risk for lack of healthcare access and poor health outcomes.

The survey included social determinants of health to empower HIV care and prevention programs in Rhode Island to be able to precisely target their approach toward the populations in greatest need. It is important to not only know what barriers to care exist but also who is at greatest risk for being impacted by them.

JSI developed the survey for the Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Medicaid Division, HIV Provision of Care & Special Populations Unit (EOHHS). 2020.


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