JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Local Capacity Initiative Final Report January 2019


In 2013, the U.S. Government, with funding from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), established the Local Capacity Initiative (LCI) to strengthen the sustainability of national HIV and AIDS responses through increased advocacy capacity of local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). 14 countries and regions (Botswana, Cameroon, Caribbean, Central Asian Republics, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Guyana, India, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe) and Asia Regional (Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam) were awarded grants focused on designing and implementing local solutions to policy barriers that impede key populations’ (KPs’) access to HIV and other health services. This document describes the challenges and successes of the LCI and provides recommendations for future LCI and capacity development projects. It also includes reports from individual countries and regions.

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