JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Digital Health Activity – Annual Report 2020-2021


This report presents the major achievements of the Digital Health Activity (DHA) in its second year, October 2020 to September 2021. The DHA is a five-year, USAID-funded Activity implemented by JSI to support Ethiopia’s Health Information Revolution (IR) Agenda. This is a shortened version of the annual report submitted to USAID in September 2021. 

During the second Activity Year, DHA:

  • Supported 334 health facilities in all regions of Ethiopia under the Connected Woreda Program.
  • Supported 11 health sciences colleges and two universities and supported the establishment of 13 youth enterprises.
  • Trained close to 10,000 individuals, improving their digital skills and enhancing their ability to produce and use highquality data for decision making.
  • Supported two provider-oriented tools in over 1200 health facilities, seven manager-oriented tools in 25 health institutions, three data service-oriented tools in up to 4500 facilities, and six client-oriented tools in six institutions.
  • Supported the development, endorsement, and operationalization of three health information systems governance documents, with nine more in development. These documents provide policy and technical guidance for the implementation of digital health interventions in Ethiopia.

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