Highlighting Effective Data Use at the DHIS2 Annual Conference
June 23rd, 2022 | event
When equipped with tools that make use of high-quality data, participants in every part of the health system are able to make better decisions, act cohesively, work smarter, and give patients the support they need.
Over the last 30 years, the District Health Information Systems 2 (DHIS2) platform has become a key tool for collecting, managing, analyzing, accessing, and using data for local decision-making. That is why JSI was delighted to attend the recent DHIS2 Conference 2022 in Oslo, Norway. This annual conference allows implementers, developers, ministry representatives, technical partners, funders, and other DHIS2 experts from around the world to meet and share experiences, learn about the latest developments and innovations, and make connections that can lead to new partnerships and collaboration.
The conference featured a range of community-driven presentations on innovation for global progress, including the director of JSI’s Center for Digital Health, Leona Rosenblum. Her “Digital Supportive Supervision” presentation described the framing guidance being developed under our USAID-funded Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) project and was part of a larger panel on the use of the DHIS2 tracker for clinical use and supervision.
Roody Thermidor from the Ministry of Health of Haiti also presented work from the CHISU project TB tracker and described moving from a paper-based to an electronic system that has been rolled out to more than 280 sites. This new system enables decision-making about health service delivery at the local level.
JSI’s Malaria Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool (M-RDQA), presented by epidemiologist David Boone, was one of six DHIS2 Web and Android App Competition finalists. The M-RDQA is an android app to be used as a part of routine supervision by district health teams or malaria program managers. The open-source app can be easily adapted for other diseases.
JSI’s DHIS2 work was also featured in two posters and a presentation by Lombe Kalima, USAID SAFE Project’s data management and strategic information advisor. In Zambia, JSI’s USAID SAFE Project has used DHIS2 to improve data quality through continuous audits. In one of the posters, the Ministry of Health in Burkina Faso highlighted how DHIS2 and systems built by JSI were leveraged to deliver COVID-19 test results.
Learn more about the Center for Digital Health and our work in helping countries around the world use technological innovations to strengthen and build resilient and responsive health systems.
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