Introducing New Vaccines and Strengthening Routine Immunization Systems

With long-standing experience supporting countries as they introduce new vaccines, we work to strengthen routine immunization systems and ensure high-quality services as new vaccines (against infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV), rotavirus, and malaria) are integrated into the routine immunization system.

Having supported more than 72 vaccine introductions in 25 countries, we know that vaccine introduction requires a comprehensive effort to inform the public, reinforce supply chain and distribution channels, revise data collection and reporting tools, and train providers to counsel clients and deliver vaccines.

Project in Focus

HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Consortium

The HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Consortium, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), is a visionary project designed to accelerate HPV vaccination in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We harness collective expertise in policy, access, introduction, implementation, evaluation, and learning. Our overarching aim is to promote equity, program quality, and the rapid expansion of HPV vaccination among girls.

At the global level, our partners include BMGF and global vaccine partners (Gavi, WHO, UNICEF, and CDC), as well as the broader global health community, including HPV advocates/advocacy groups. At the country level, we engage with EPI/MOH, local civil society organizations (CSOs)/NGOs, professional societies, women’s groups, national cancer programs, and other country-level decision-makers, such as the Ministry of Education.

Photo: © Gates Archive/Ricci Shryock.