united states Expertise

Family Planning & Reproductive Health


Improving Family Planning & Reproductive Care, Access, and Quality

The unintended pregnancy rate in the U.S. is at a historic low. However, the need for high-quality, accessible family planning and reproductive health services remains high, especially among low-income and other underserved populations. Through customized training and technical assistance, we build the capacity of agencies serving these communities to reduce unplanned pregnancies, support optimal birth spacing, decrease transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and improve birth outcomes.

Our approach is grounded in meeting the needs of our clients and the populations they serve. We offer proven, evidence-based solutions that are driven by more than 40 years of experience.

Our services, delivered in partnership with our clients, include:

  • Assessing service gaps
  • Developing and delivering tailored training and technical assistance
  • Improving the client experience
  • Increasing clinic efficiency
  • Strengthening financial sustainability
  • Evaluating program effectiveness
  • Enhancing quality improvement efforts

Serving Title X Grantees and TPP Grantees

The Office of Population Affairs has funded JSI to manage the new Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC) in order to ensure that personnel working in Title X family planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) projects have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to effectively deliver high-quality services and programs. In addition, because maternal mortality can be impacted by providing preventive services to Title X and TPP clients, the Office on Women’s Health is providing funding to the RHNTC to build Title X and TPP grantees’ capacity to promote women’s health and prevent maternal mortality through increased fertility awareness and improved preconception health. The RHNTC will provide training and technical assistance using innovative, evidence-based techniques and content that will help Title X and TPP grantees and their networks achieve their goals. JSI previously managed the Family Planning National Training Center and will build on over 40 years of experience building the capacity of family planning, women’s health, and adolescent health providers and programs to deliver high-quality services.


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