Zimbabwe Vana Bantwana (USAID)






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Vana Bantwana supported the Government of Zimbabwe’s efforts to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and those affected by HIV and AIDS. To ensure that communities continue effective programming beyond the life of the program, JSI built the capacity of a cadre of national and community-based civil society organizations to implement and manage the models of care in Zimbabwe.

The project mitigated the impact of HIV and AIDS on most vulnerable children by strengthening the capacity of communities, local service providers, and the Government of Zimbabwe’s social protection and health service systems to offer quality, timely, comprehensive and layered services to an average of 150,000 OVC and their families annually across 65 districts.

Vana Bantwana used an integrated community approach designed to strengthen existing health, education, child protection, and youth and livelihood systems at the community, district, and national levels.

JSI oversaw the organizational development and technical experience of the project, the change-management within local NGOs and government, and the management of the large and multiple donor programs. JSI used its proven capacity development assessment tools to train a capacity-building team and to ensure the team was capable of carrying forward the work after the project ended.

The Vana Bantwana project was funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc. and JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.

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