Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative (THALI)






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John Snow India Private Limited (JSI India) contributes to the India national TB response through the Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative (THALI, 2016-2020). Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), this project focuses on urban TB and engagement of the private sector in Kolkata. The consortium has proposed a comprehensive multi-pronged technical approach focusing on innovative private sector engagement, strategic advocacy, communications, system strengthening and capacity building, technology links, community engagement, learning and research, evaluation and knowledge dissemination.

The Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative (THALI) works with the Revised National TB Control Program (RNTCP), municipal governments, and private providers to improve TB control across three classifications of cities, grouped based on population.

The THALI project in Kolkata and adjoining districts aims to catalyze a dynamic process of identifying, developing, testing, and scaling up successful innovative solutions to strengthen urban TB control, especially amongst urban slum dwellers, with a focus on women and girls.

Key elements of THALI include:

  1. Identifying and accelerating scale up of innovative approaches to improve the quality of private sector diagnosis, referral, and treatment of TB, through adherence to the recently released “Standards for TB Care in India”. (Outputs 1 and 4);
  2. Strengthening the utilization of TB resources of the respective municipalities. (Output 2);
  3. Testing of technological innovations. (Output 3); and
  4. Improving data for evidence-based decision making. (Output 5).

JSI is leading the monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) component and is facilitating a landscape assessment of private sector provision of TB services. JSI is facilitating cross-learning and knowledge management for improved case detection, notification, and adherence to standards of TB care in India. JSI will also strengthen TB supply-chain mechanisms, develop M&E systems and processes including HMIS dashboards and survey based score cards, and operations research to generate data for evidence based decision making.



Prioritizing Sustainable Solutions to Urban Health Challenges


Tackling TB among India's Urban Populations


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