united states Expertise

Geographic Information Systems


Telling Better Stories with Data

Geographic information systems can capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present data by location. We use these systems along with geographic tools to identify trends and patterns within and between data across regions.

We transform data from a multitude of sources into structured qualitative and quantitative data sets for geospatial analyses that can be used to generate information for decision-making. This information helps governments and other stakeholders understand their operating environments and make better decisions.

We also provide training programs to build the capacity of health departments and other partners in developing and using geographic information systems.


Geographic Information Systems

Understand Disease Patterns & Identify Trends
Determine how and where the disease is distributed and its relationship to other factors to develop more effective methods of care.
Improve Service Delivery & Influence Policy
Show stakeholders where partners are working, the activities that are being implemented, the extent of their reach, and their beneficiaries.
Increase Health Care Access
Model access among target populations to maximize coverage and efficacy.
Strengthen Coordination
Present geographic information in a range of visual and interactive ways. Service provider locations are mapped and overlaid with other information such as target population density. Interactive web mapping applications are developed and used to interact with data, zoom in on an area of interest, and find locations based on search criteria.

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The HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator Can Help You Serve Your Audience

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We strive to build lasting relationships to produce better health outcomes for all.