international Expertise

Non-Communicable Diseases


Evidence-based Solutions to Reduce Non-Communicable Diseases

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)—namely, cancers, diabetes, and cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases—are the leading cause of death globally and a top threat to economic and human development.

We have implemented and evaluated projects and designed campaigns in the U.S. and globally to address consequences of non-communicable diseases and their causes, including risk factors such as tobacco use, alcohol and drug abuse, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and environmental toxins.

We leverage our broad knowledge of local, national, and regional health systems, including NCD referral and treatment networks, and expertise in public health to develop low-cost, evidence-based, and culturally appropriate solutions to meet local needs.


Healthy Lifestyle Promotion
The environmental and community factors that influence how we live, work, learn, and play have an enormous effect on our health. To that end, we apply a multi-layered, holistic approach that combines more responsive NCD-prevention policies with community-driven initiatives to address the root causes of disease, and individual-level prevention. This work also aligns with the WHO’s social determinants of health approach.

National Policy Change
We have supported policy development and revision in several countries to ensure that healthy eating and tobacco and drug control, among other healthy behaviors, are part of national policies and operational guidance.

Building Healthy Communities
Building on our U.S. healthy communities portfolio, we are designing initiatives globally that integrate policy, systems, and environmental changes with the goal of improving support for healthy behaviors in a given population. This includes working across multiple sectors to ensure opportunities to promote and support healthy behaviors.

Individual NCD Prevention
We promote disease awareness, prevention, and access to care for individual people through behavior change campaigns and counseling training. We promote best practices in prevention, early detection, and screening.

Improving Treatment of NCDs
We apply our extensive cancer and healthy behaviors experience in the U.S. to help partners in middle- and low-income countries conduct field-based research and assessments, develop cancer control plans, create cancer registries, reform policy, improve service delivery, and reduce stigma. Our work includes developing and managing sustainable supply chains to ensure that medications for non-communicable diseases are readily available where and when needed.

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