Humanitarian Commodities Logistics Community Education Series 2023

January 31st, 2023 | event


The Humanitarian Commodities Logistics (HCL) group continues its community education series with technical discussions on supply chain management topics related to the challenges of securing pharmaceutical products in humanitarian emergencies. As in 2022, those who participate in four or more events will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the year. Join us for one or all of the webinars. Links to register for and view recordings will be added as they become available.

Tuesday, February 28, 9am ET: Minimizing the Environmental Impact of Humanitarian Health Supply Chains

Tuesday, April 18, 9am ET: Protecting the Quality of Health Products in Every Phase of a Humanitarian Response, Part 2

Thursday, June 1, 9am ET: A Review of Good Warehousing and Handling Practices in Emergency Settings

Tuesday, July 25, 9am ET: Using DHIS2 for Health Supply Chain Management in Humanitarian Settings

Thursday, September 7, 9am ET: Improving Quantification Processes in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings

Thursday, October 26, 9am ET: Tools and Practices for Improving Workforce Performance to Manage Humanitarian Health Supply Chains

All webinars, including previous series, are available on JSI’s YouTube channel.

Humanitarian Commodities Logistics Community

If you work for a humanitarian response organization, we invite you to join the HCL community, a subgroup of the International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL). If you are not an IAPHL member, you can join at Once a member of IAPHL, click on the Humanitarian Commodities Logistics link and request membership. The HCL community is a place to share information of interest to those working in health supply chains in the humanitarian context. Supply chain experts from JSI and other organizations are available to answer questions and discuss issues related to supply chain management in humanitarian and emergency settings.

This webinar series is hosted by the Building Capacity to Improve Health Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings project, with support from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA).

The webinar series is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID/BHA or the United States Government.

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