JSI at the International Conference on AIDS/HIV and STIs in Africa (ICASA) 2023
November 29th, 2023 | event
JSI is thrilled to join regional experts and partners at the largest international HIV conference in Africa at ICASA. We will share key findings, listen and learn, and partake in conversations on how to sustainably improve the quality of life for all people living with and at risk of acquiring HIV and STIs.
SATELLITE: Fostering adolescent and youth health resilience: Engaging diverse populations in HIV programming
Tuesday, 5 December, 8:45–9:30 AM | Sapphire Room
This session will be a discussion with young people and their allies on what meaningful engagement really looks like, what enables and hinders a culture that promotes it, and opportunities to deepen this work to improve HIV and health outcomes for young people.
ORAL PRESENTATION E3: Integrated HIV service delivery services with non-health response programs
Friday, 8 December, 12:05-12:50 PM | Plenary Room
Promoting universal health coverage among underserved communities by expanding quality integrated health services, accessed at health posts in Zambia – James Mwanza, JSI USAID DISCOVER-Health Project
ORAL PRESENTATION E7: Innovative responses to resource needs for health system strengthening
Saturday, 9 December, 10:45–11:30 AM | Sapphire Room
Optimizing sample courier for improved health outcomes on the Copperbelt: Integration of Viral Load Courier to incorporate other sample types – Hilary Lumano, JSI SAFE Zambia
Poster Exhibition Center: 11:30 AM–4:15 PM
Poster Exhibition Center 11:30 AM–4:15 PM
Poster Exhibition Center 11:30 AM– 4:15 PM
Poster Exhibition Center 11:30–11:50 AM; 3:50–4:10 PM
JSI’s person-centered care framework uses a human-rights-based approach that focuses on the holder (person) and the obligations of duty bearers (e.g., providers, policymakers, caregivers). We have implemented person-centered care in projects around the world, and have tools that you can use to strengthen your own services. View our person-centered care tools.
Focused on the Western Region of Ghana, which has the highest prevalence of HIV in the country, the project’s vision is that the Government of Ghana and private and civil society partners are confident, efficient, and equipped with skills to design, manage, implement, monitor, and evaluate the continuum of care services for people living with HIV. This includes implementing strategies such as index testing, contact tracing and testing, and use of case managers to identify, link, and support clients to antiretroviral therapy (ART). The project is also championing ART adherence, generating demand to know one’s viral load, and creating medication reminder systems for people living with HIV.
The USAID DISCOVER-Health project aims to improve the lives of Zambians by providing better access to high-quality health care. The project contributes to HIV epidemic control while also providing integrated reproductive health, family planning, and maternal and child health services and products. In 2022, the project was expanded to support the government’s efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including accelerating the national rollout and scale-up of COVID-19 vaccination.
This project aims to reduce HIV mortality, morbidity, and transmission, while improving nutrition outcomes and integrating family planning into other health services in three provinces with the highest rates of HIV: Central, Copperbelt, and North-Western. USAID SAFE works alongside the Government of the Republic of Zambia to become a nation free from new HIV-related deaths and transmission by 2030. USAID SAFE is the largest treatment service delivery program for USAID in Zambia, serving over 300,000 people.
We strive to build lasting relationships to produce better health outcomes for all.