Join us at the 2021 CORE Group Global Health Practitioner Conference

January 25th, 2021 | event


We look forward to joining our friends and colleagues at the virtual Global Health Practitioner Conference from January 2728th, 2021. The conference, hosted by the CORE Group, will focus on prioritizing child and adolescent health in the new decade. 

This year, in addition to facilitating a variety of presentations and panels, JSI is a leading sponsor of the event, working closely with the CORE Group and the Bernard van Leer Foundation to convene this meeting. Join us at the following sessions and follow us on social media to stay in touch!

January 27

Presentation: At last, the secret to having an adolescent-centered environment is revealed! 10:15 am11:15 am EST, presented by Shannon Rauh and the Adolescent Health Initiative

January 28

Presentation: Championing Adolescent Girls’ Health: Lessons in Identifying and Engaging New Audiences and Partners for HPV Vaccination Acceptance and Uptake, 10:15 am11:15 am EST, presented by Kate Bagshaw (JSI); Hannah Hausi (JSI); Dominique Kondji Kondji (Building Capacities for Better Health in Africa); and Liya Haile (Girl Effect)

Presentation: Integrating Responsive Care and Early Learning Content in Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling Packages to Improve Early Childhood Development, 10:15 am11:15 am EST, presented by Madina Olomi (USAID Advancing Nutrition, JSI); Andrew Cunningham (USAID Advancing Nutrition, JSI); and Romilla Karnati (USAID Advancing Nutrition, Save the Children)

Presentation: Reimagining Benchmarks for iCCM Scale-Up in Fragile Settings, 10:15 am11:15 am ETS, presented by Nefra Faltas (USAID); Kate Gilroy (JSI); and Michel Pacque (JSI)

Poster: Sustainable Organizational Capacity to Deliver USAID HIV and OVC Program; Experiences from Partnership between JSI and Kesho Kenya, available both days, presented by Sean Maher (JSI); Evans Odhiambo (Kesho Kenya); and Patience Kiyuka (Kesho Kenya). 

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