India has made significant progress in a variety of health-related indicators indicating substantial improvements in the health of its 1.4 billion people. However, it continues to face challenges related to last-mile service delivery, rapid urbanization, and system capacity.
Over the last 30 years, JSI has partnered with the Government of India, the private sector, development partners, civil society, and community leaders to strengthen India’s health system and improve the overall health of its people. We established John Snow India Private Limited (JSIPL) in 2013 to deepen our partnership with the country and bolster our collaborative actions. JSIPL works to improve project coordination, ground our global technical expertise with local knowledge of community needs and realities, and disseminate tools, techniques, technologies, and resources for health.
JSI focuses on the health system response to existing and emerging priorities and challenges. JSIPL applies our experience implementing complex public health programs at scale to support India’s efforts to improve maternal, newborn, and child health; strengthen routine immunization and pandemic responses; reduce the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis; improve nutrition for children in the first 1,000 days; promote sustainable urban growth; and build capacity to manage complex supply chains.