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JSI has worked in Indonesia for more than 30 years. We foster multi-sector partnerships to strengthen and improve health information systems (HIS) and data use, immunization, supply chains, global health security, urban planning, health systems, and service delivery.

Through USAID’s flagship data and information system program, Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU), JSI is partnering with the Ministry of Health to advance its digital transformation agenda. We’re strengthening HIS governance and connecting health facilities and stakeholders to improve the demand, availability, and use of high-quality data that will ultimately enhance the country’s health services. For example, JSI facilitated the launch of an interoperability mediator that connects multiple systems, improving patient services and tracking presumed TB cases while reducing data entry burden for health workers. Learn about our other activities in the country.

JSI led the supply chain component to the Gates Foundation-funded Indonesia My Choice project. Our work contributed to the “Right Time, Right Method, My Choice” behavior change campaign that improved availability of family planning products and strengthened data quality and use in 11 pilot districts. In Makassar, through the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities project, we worked with local partners to make health a focus of urban planning. We helped to prioritize, plan, and fund citizen reporting systems and air quality, transportation, technology, and waste management activities, among others.

Through the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, JSI provided technical assistance to national programs to mitigate and prevent pandemics; helped the country meet the Global Health Initiative strategy goal of diagnosing and treating one million people with TB; and analyzed the availability of financing for and policy related to family planning commodities.

Indonesia Placeholder

Years of Experience

JSI has been working in Indonesia since 1986.



JSI has implemented more than 22 projects in Indonesia.


Staff Members

Currently, 11 staff members work at JSI in Indonesia.

Indonesia PROJECTS

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Indonesia NEWS & STORIES

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