Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management






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JSI was awarded the USAID Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA) IDIQ, a mechanism within the Next Generation Global Health Supply Chain Suite of Programs (NextGen). Leading a consortium of local, regional, and global partners, JSI will support USAID’s 10-year goal of ensuring sustainable access to and appropriate use of safe, quality-assured, affordable health commodities through locally led supply chain and pharmaceutical management systems.

A Partnership-Driven Approach to Sustainability
JSI and our consortium are poised to work alongside governments, communities, and the private sector to scale sustainable, country-led supply chain and pharmaceutical management systems. Through collaboration, we aim to strengthen resilient systems that secure long-term health access and impact.

Our Focus:

  • Locally-Led and Equitable Systems: Focusing on resilient, country-led supply chain and pharmaceutical management systems
  • Collaborative and Inclusive Approach: Co-create and adapt solutions based on local needs and a person-centered approach
  • Enhance Data for Decision-Making: Strengthen data systems and use and enable evidence-based decisions that promote efficiency, ensure quality, and enhance accountability

Together, we are building the future of health supply chains and pharmaceutical management systems that are resilient, responsive, and driven by local solutions to deliver sustainable health impact worldwide.


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We strive to build lasting relationships to produce better health outcomes for all.