The goal of USAID Empowered Communities Activity (ECA) is to strengthen community systems to improve health and nutrition outcomes. To that end, community-level health literacy and engagement, capacity strengthening of non-state actors (NSAs), creating accountability across actors and systems in the health sector, and strengthening service delivery skill are critical targets for ECA. The Activity aims to address the social, cultural, political, and economic determinants that underpin health, and seeks to build partnerships with other sectors in finding solutions for better health outcomes.
Project Hope leads this project, with Progynist, USAID’s NPI-Expand Local Implementing Partners and JSI working to implement activities. Through ECA we are mapping out relevant NSAs, conducting a capacity assessment to understand their strengths and challenges, establishing platforms for capacity exchange and knowledge sharing, and leveraging existing platforms to eliminate gaps, ultimately strengthening NSA advocacy for accountability, transparency, and responsiveness of the health system. We are also mapping existing community structures, tapping into informal social networks, and introducing social accountability tools and platforms for improved feedback mechanisms. Finally, ECA is increasing delivery of quality reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition services by engaging with local NSA health facilities.