NYS SNAP-Ed Training Assistance



Cornell Cooperative Ext


United States

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We are providing training and technical assistance on the NYS SNAP-ED policy, system and environmental change (PSE) strategy implementation.

The overarching goal of all SNAP-Ed activities is to promote health and prevent and/or postpone the onset of diet-related chronic disease among the SNAP population by providing nutrition education and obesity prevention services. SNAP-Ed consists of three complementary intervention components – direct education; social marketing; and (PSE) strategies. Using these three elements helps create conditions where people are encouraged to act on their education and awareness and where these healthy behaviors are facilitated through PSE.

Our PSE-related supports to be provided by JSI include:

  1. Conduct a needs assessment to inform training and technical assistance (T/TA) provided to implementing agencies
  2. Conduct virtual trainings including webinars and facilitation of PSE strategy-specific workgroup calls
  3. Provide one-on-one TA to implementing agencies on PSE strategies
  4. Develop an online knowledge exchange portal to support collaboration and information sharing
  5. Develop quarterly newsletters featuring SNAP-Ed/PSE-related resources, and/or grantee spotlights/features

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We strive to build lasting relationships to produce better health outcomes for all.