Subcutaneous DMPA Access Collaborative

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Through the Access Collaborative, JSI is helping to expand contraceptive access and options.

Launched in 2017, Access Collaborative, led by PATH and JSI, has supported more than 20 countries to facilitate planning for introduction and scale up of subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC, marketed as Pfizer’s Sayana® Press). The Access Collaborative provides technical assistance to support the integration of this product, alongside other methods, as part of each country’s total market plan and to ensure increased access to DMPA-SC self-injection, as part of an expanded range of contraceptive methods, delivered through informed choice programming.

Initial focus countries include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, and Zambia. In addition, the Access Collaborative facilitates learning within and beyond these focus countries by exchanging information, results, and lessons learned; troubleshooting challenges; and accelerating the adoption of best practices through interactive, virtual learning networks.

As the project moves into its next phase, 2020-2023, it will support countries to increase access to self-injection as part of informed choice programming. To achieve this objective, we will enhance efforts to collect and use strategic information to inform programs. Finally, the project will strengthen its demand-driven regional technical assistance model that is able to meet and support countries in their journey to expand and support choice and access.


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