Zambia Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia II (USAID)






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The Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe II) strengthened and supported the organizational and technical capacity of the Zambian government and local organizations to sustain the response to HIV, strengthening and expanding leadership involvement as well as HIV/AIDS workplace programs.the mutisectoral response to HIV and AIDS in Zambia.

SHARe II supported the Government of Republic of Zambia (GRZ)'s vision of "a nation free from the threat of HIV," and worked in partnership with the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council, cooperating partners (including the Global Fund, UNFPA, DfID, and other bilateral, multilateral, and private sector partners), and other stakeholders to support efforts to mitigate the impact of HIV in Zambia.

JSI focused on improving the quality, equitable implementation, and leadership accountability, with an added emphasis on the documenting and sharing of best practices. The project assessed and helped build the capacity of local Provincial AIDS Task Forces (PATFs) and District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs), to coordinate the multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS response in Zambia using a best practice benchmarking approach developed by JSI and Inititiatives, Inc. The project examined and worked to address the structural drivers of HIV as well as the behavioral drivers of the disease.

This was a follow-on to a project implemented by JSI that built a solid foundation of systems, tools, communications, and information sharing and policies.

SHARe II project achievements include:

  • Reached 11,490 people living with HIV with a minimum package of prevention with positives interventions between 2010 and 2015
  • 124% achievement rate in the number of most-at-risk-populations reached with individual and/or small group level interventions
  • Project activities provided capacity-building support to various levels of the Zambian Judiciary and Law enforcement agencies to appropriately manage HIV-related cases
  • Formulated and revised 3 national policies (National Alcohol Policy, National HIV/AIDS Policy, National Workplace HIV/AIDS Policy) and 20 sectoral HIV-related policies
  • Supported implementation of an HIV&AIDS program in 165 workplaces
  • Reached 334,604 people through individual or small-group prevention activities
  • 101,165 people received HIV testing and are now aware of their status


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