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We work to help our clients achieve results that improve health systems, services, and, ultimately, people’s lives.

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Found 454 results

Controlling HIV Epidemic for Key and Underserved Populations (CHEKUP II)

The USAID Controlling HIV Epidemic for Key and Underserved Populations (CHEKUP II) Activity led by JSI partner and affiliate, John Snow Health Zambia, LTD. is addressing the needs of people living with HIV and those most at risk of acquiring HIV while contributing to HIV mitigation and epidemic control. Specifically, CHEKUP II seeks to improve the health…

USAID Cure Tuberculosis 2 Activity (Cure TB 2)

USAID Cure Tuberculosis 2 (Cure TB 2) Activity in the Kyrgyz Republic is a five-year USAID-funded cooperative agreement to build on the existing strengths of the National Tuberculosis (TB) Program to accomplish lasting change through proven approaches such as interrupting TB transmission in communities, scaling up of prevention interventions, increasing TB case finding and ensuring all…

Linking Eligibility Across the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts – Dissemination Assistance Provider

The Linking Eligibility Across the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts – Dissemination Assistance Provider project aims to increase access to care for people with HIV by promoting efficiencies in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) eligibility determination and confirmation processes. JSI will work closely with our project partners and RWHAP recipients, subrecipients, and clients to:…

PSP Cote d’Ivoire LMIS 2023

In 2015, JSI, under the MEASURE Evaluation project, implemented the Electronic Logistics Management Information System (eSIGL) application in Ivory Coast. eSIGL is based on eLMIS/OpenLMIS V2, which was also implemented country-wide in Tanzania, Zambia, Zanzibar, and Guinea to manage their supply chain logistics distribution systems. Later that year, as part of going live with the…

UNFPA Iraq Analysis 2023

The objective of the project is to establish a solid, extensible, and scalable warehouse management system that will improve inventory visibility and control at upper-tier warehouses of the Baghdad RHC supply chain. The scope of this effort is to pilot the deployment of a WMS for a subset of warehouses within the system. The pilot…

PATH Injectables Access Collaborative 3.0

The purpose of the Access Collaborative (AC) is to advance the introduction and scale-up of subcutaneous (SC) depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) – or DMPA-SC, including self-injection (SI). The AC is a coordination and TA effort that aims to ensure the sustainable availability of DMPA-SC as part of an expanded range of contraceptive methods delivered through…

Identifying Key Gaps in Global DMPA-SC Programming

This project will fill urgent gaps at the global and country level through a stop-gap approach to address the following key objective: Explore key gaps in global DMPA-SC programming and research to inform future investments in DMPA-SC, other new contraceptive methods, and self-care more widely. This investment will conduct an assessment of the scale-up of…

Building Capacity to Improve Pharmaceutical and Medical Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings – 2024

This project leads coordination and capacity-building activities to respond to the USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) IP needs and requests due to increasing pressures on their health supply chain systems. At global and country levels, these activities will contribute to a more harmonized response to emergencies in light of current strains on global health…

WB Labs Honduras

The purpose of this project was to design and conduct an assessment of the laboratory system and network in Honduras. The assessment reviewed 44 laboratories across Honduras under 11 areas of analysis, including organization and legal framework, financing, human resources, test processing capacity by sector, information system, supply chain management. The findings of this assessment will allow…

Tanzania GAVI HPV Switch Mac

In this project, JSI will: Strengthen program performance monitoring and management systems at all levels. Extend immunization services to reach zero-dose, under-immunized children and missed communities Strengthen information systems relevant for the identification and reach of zero-dose and under-immunised children

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