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We work to help our clients achieve results that improve health systems, services, and, ultimately, people’s lives.

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Found 458 results

Palliative Care – Regional Technical Assistance

Using a collaborative approach under the guidance of Massachusetts Department of Public Health, JSI will support strategic planning for two regional palliative care work groups in Central and Southeast Massachusetts and facilitate collaboration and resource sharing across the two work groups.  JSI will offer ongoing capacity building and technical assistance to the regional work groups to strengthen care networks…

Wyoming Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program Evaluation

In December 2019, the Wyoming Cancer Program, Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program engaged JSI to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the program. The Wyoming Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program (WBCCSP) was first funded in 1997; however many of the objectives and activities on the WBCCSP work plan are new initiatives for the program…

Engaging Frontline Health Workers in the Acceptance and Uptake of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Preparing countries for COVID-19 vaccine rollout means ensuring frontline healthcare workers are equipped with the technical capacity and confidence to provide the COVID-19 vaccine and engage with the community. As early, priority vaccine recipients and vaccinators, demand for and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine among health workers and other priority groups will significantly influence the success…

Connecticut 1815 Training and Technical Assistance

In February 2020, the Connecticut Department of Health contracted with JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., to build the capacity of three Federally Qualified Health Centers and one Visiting Nurse Association throughout the state to implement the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) DP18-1815 diabetes and heart disease prevention and management grant strategies. The DP18-1815…

Choice Optimization in Immunization: Country Exercises for Sustainability (CHOICES)

The goal of the Choice Optimization in Immunization: Country Exercises for Sustainability (CHOICES) project is that low- and lower-middle-income country immunization programs: Include and can sustain both inclusion and high coverage of pneumococcal, rotavirus, and HPV vaccines Align with broad country health priorities for communicable disease prevention and control A detailed project briefer can be…

Vermont Everyone Eats Evaluation

JSI will conduct an initial evaluation of the Vermont Everyone Eats Program (VEE) for Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA). The program was conceived, developed, and implemented quickly in response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on food security and the local economy. Vermont Everyone Eats engages community partners throughout the state to coordinate meal production by local…

Seacoast Preschool Development Community Grant Needs Assessment

JSI is partnering with United Way of the Greater Seacoast to conduct a needs assessment to inform the group's preschool development community grant. The goal of the needs assessment is to identify areas of need for families in Strafford and Rockingham Counties to promote and increase access to early education opportunities and support positive outcomes.  The project…

COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. has partnered with the Sabin Vaccine Institute and Dalberg to create the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project. This collaboration will support low- and middle-income country immunization professionals in leading the equitable delivery of COVID-19 vaccines through their national immunization programs. It complements the approach outlined in the COVAX Facility, the vaccines…

Wisconsin Points of Dispensing and Vulnerable Populations Planning Exercises

When designing and implementing public health exercises, topical expertise makes a world of difference. Just prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, JSI worked with members of the North Central Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Readiness Coalition (NCW HERC) to plan, implement, and evaluate two virtual discussion-based exercises to strengthen the response capability of public health and health care…

HRSA Health Center Workforce Survey

The healthcare workforce is particularly susceptible to overwork and burnout, and the stresses of public health crises exacerbates the problem. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), in collaboration with John Snow, Inc. (JSI), are examining the issue. JSI will develop a workforce survey to assess levels of…

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