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Found 454 results

Technical Assistance to Expand PCV in 14 States of India

JSI will work hand-in-hand with the MoHFW, Government of India, and the core working group (CWG) to update operational guidelines, training materials, and build capacity for the introduction of pneumococcal vaccine (PCV) in 14 states. JSI, through the CWG, will support the state governments in creating a state working group (SWG) consisting of the representatives…

AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) National Evaluation Plan Implementation

JSI is assessing the impact of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) Program, which aims to strengthen the HIV workforce's capacity to improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum. JSI is evaluating the reach and impact of the AETC Program through the National Evaluation Plan…

USAID Strategies to Prevent (STOP) Spillover

Strategies to Prevent Spillover (STOP Spillover) Initiative will enhance the capacity of institutions in countries across Africa and Asia to understand factors that contribute to the risk of disease spread from animals to humans. The project will anticipate and mitigate threats posed by emerging zoonotic diseases. The USAID-funded cooperative agreement will engage global experts on emerging infectious…

Planning CHATT: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Planning Council and Planning Body Technical Assistance

Planning CHATT builds the capacity of RWHAP Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies (PC/PB) across the United States to fulfill their legislative responsibilities, strengthen consumer engagement, and increase the involvement of community providers in HIV service delivery planning. Planning CHATT provides training and technical assistance (T/TA) that is appropriate, relevant, and realistic. Planning CHATT will build…

HAI Total Market Approach to Condom and Lubricants Programming

This project is supporting the coordination of total market approach to design and implement strategies to improve HIV services among key population groups in Nigeria. The total market approach employs a market-based approach to program strategy and investments. It leverages on the comparative advantages of the public, social marketing and commercial sector to support sustainable…

Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC)

The unintended pregnancy rate in the U.S. is at a historic low; however, the rate remains high compared to other developed nations with nearly half (45%) of U.S. pregnancies unintended. Federal funding through the Title X Family Planning program aims to decrease the number of unplanned pregnancies, increase optimal birth spacing, achieve healthy pregnancies, decrease…

Gavi Ethiopia PIRI MCV2 2020

The Ministry of Health in Ethiopia (MoH-Ethiopia) has recently undertaken two important initiatives to improve immunization performance, reduce the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases, and improve equity. A second dose of measles (MCV2) was introduced nationwide in February 2019. In 2018, MoH-Ethiopia initiated a periodic intensification of routine immunization (PIRI) strategy in priority equity zones, including…

MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity

The MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project is part of a suite of innovative awards funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to holistically improve family planning and maternal and child health in partner countries around the world. The project is USAID’s flagship technical assistance mechanism for immunization and is active in…

East Boston Youth Vape Prevention Training and Campaign

During the summer and fall of 2020, JSI partnered with East Boston Neighborhood Health Center to co-create a vaping prevention campaign designed by East Boston youth for their peers. JSI facilitated three two-hour co-design workshops with East Boston youth  to review the core components of advertising campaigns, responsible digital citizenship, and creative approaches to public…

Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Systems Coordination Provider (SCP)

The Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Systems Coordination Provider (SCP) project, funded by a cooperative agreement awarded to NASTAD by the Health Resources and Services Admonistration HIV/AIDS Bureau, is responsible for delivering technical assistance to health departments funded under HRSA-20-078, "Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America – Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts A and B." The assistance is intened…

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