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We work to help our clients achieve results that improve health systems, services, and, ultimately, people’s lives.

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Found 454 results

PMI Measure Malaria

Success in malaria control must build on progress made over the past decade while considering new challenges. New approaches and more cost-effective interventions are needed—along with tools and guidance to leverage the evidence of what is working. To reduce malaria cases and deaths, reliable surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) systems depend upon data being of…


The HCDExchange advances locally led, human-centered design and public health (HCD+Public Health) in Africa and Asia. We do this by increasing access to and use of HCD resources, knowledge, and expertise in public health programming and promoting design localization. Established in 2020, the HCDExchange has been working to define, strengthen, and build a robust, efficient,…

Aligning Systems Research

JSI, in partnership with the Georgia Health Policy Center, is conducting a rapid investigation to inform the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Aligning Systems for Health initiative. The majority of multi-sector health initiatives identify a set of four principles – or core components – that are similar to what is described in the Aligning for Health…

Technical Assistance to the Immunization Program in Mozambique

JSI has been supporting the immunization program in Mozambique for several years, most directly implementing Reaching Every District and Reaching Every Community (RED/REC) in three priority provinces in Mozambique (Sofala, Manica and Nampula) over the past year with Gavi PEF support, and in two provinces (Nampula and Sofala) for the prior three years as part of…

Chronic Disease Evaluation Project

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health's (MDPH) Bureau of Community Health and Prevention has selected JSI to provide evaluation support for two CDC grants (1815: Improving the Health of Americans Through Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke and 1817: Innovative State and Local Public Health Strategies to Prevent and Manage Diabetes, Heart Disease, and…

Partnerships for Success

We are partnering with The Opportunity Alliance to prevent the onset and reduce the progression of youth substance misuse and its related problems in Cumberland County, Maine. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this five-year grant will support community building and partnership with schools in high-risk communities. This grant is…

NYS SNAP-Ed Training Assistance

We are providing training and technical assistance on the NYS SNAP-ED policy, system and environmental change (PSE) strategy implementation. The overarching goal of all SNAP-Ed activities is to promote health and prevent and/or postpone the onset of diet-related chronic disease among the SNAP population by providing nutrition education and obesity prevention services. SNAP-Ed consists of…

Developing a Logistics Management Information System in Niger

JSI has worked with the Niger Ministry of Health to help design a logistics management information system (LMIS). In this phase of the activity, funded by the Global Fund, JSI is developing training materials and a job aid for the new system. JSI also developed a training of trainers activity so that local staff are…

Zambia Electronic Supply Chain Management Information System (USAID)

Zambia’s Ministry of Health is committed to providing health services to all Zambians. A strong supply chain system is key to achieving improvements in the quality of both curative and preventive health services. The Electronic Supply Chain Management Information System (eSCMIS) project aims to create an efficient and reliable health supply chain using a next-generation…

Maternal Alcohol and Marijuana Awareness and Proactive Therapeutic Cannabis Dispensary Education

In 2018-2019, we launched the “Today is For Me.” campaign through funding provided by the NH Charitable Foundation (NHCF). The “Today is For Me” campaign was developed to address two aims: Successfully launch a social marketing campaign tailored to women who are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or of childbearing age and, Assess the current…

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