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Found 454 results

Technical Assistance to HPV Vaccine National Introduction

Through funding from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, JSI is supporting the preparations and/or national introduction of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Malawi. HPV is linked to cervical cancer and vaccination efforts focus on reaching pre-adolescent/adolescent girls (i.e. between 9-14 years old). JSI, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health,…

New Hampshire Center for Excellence, Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) Continuum of Care System Supports

Since 2009, New Hampshire Center for Excellence Addressing Alcohol and other Drugs (Center) provides alcohol and other drug continuum of care system supports to the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services. While originally founded as a specifically youth alcohol and other drug misuse prevention technical assistance and…

Family Planning Access Program

Since 2013, JSI has leveraged its over 30 years of leadership in health supply chain management to monitor various family planning (FP) pharmaceutical agreements negotiated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the Foundation) with manufacturers. These agreements were enacted under the Family Planning 2020 initiative (FP2020) to reduce the public sector purchase price of…

Spirit Within Project: CDC Tribal Wellness Grant

The Spirit Within Program is a partnership with Denver Indian Health and Family Services (DIHFS), an Urban Indian Health Clinic, and JSI. This project creates a Native Wellness Coordinator to connect Natives in the Denver area with traditional, cultural, and spiritual resources available in the community to help address health disparities. JSI's role is to…

Value of Prevention: Valuation Tools for California Multi-Sector Collaboratives

The adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has proven difficult to demonstrate for many public health efforts as traditional valuation methods are not well suited to cross-sector community health initiatives. With support from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. and Minga Analytics will partner…

Mozambique Communication Support Project (CDC)

In Mozambique, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is funding JSI to build the capacity of the country’s National HIV and AIDS Council (CNCS) in social and behavior change communication (SBCC). Specifically, JSI will support the CNCS to strengthen the national HIV and AIDS communication strategy, develop a monitoring and evaluation tool…

HIV/AIDS Bureau Recipient Compilation of Best Practice Strategies and Interventions

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) has worked for more than two decades to develop and disseminate strategies and interventions that address barriers to care and engagement faced by RWHAP clients, reduce HIV related disparities and health inequities, and improve health outcomes across the HIV care continuum. While this portfolio of strategies and interventions continues…

Hampton University Men’s Violence Prevention Program

JSI is the program evaluator of the Hampton University Men’s Violence Prevention Project (The Promise Program), a strength-based, culturally- and family-centered violence prevention program for African American males, ages 12-25. The overall goal of this program is to help African American males to: achieve their greatest potential as healthy, self-sufficient, and productive members of their…

Planning CHATT: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Planning Council and Transitional Grant Area Planning Body Technical Assistance (TA) Cooperative Agreement

The Community HIV/AIDS Technical Assistance and Training for Planning project (Planning CHATT) builds the capacity of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A planning councils and planning bodies (PC/PB) across the U.S. to fulfill their legislative responsibilities, strengthen consumer engagement, and increase the involvement of community providers in HIV service delivery planning. Through Planning CHATT, JSI…

Feed the Future Ethiopia Studying Animal Food Markets in Rural Areas (SAFIRA)

JSI and its partners propose to answer a research question that is key to maximizing the role that markets can play to support improved nutrition, especially in the first 1000 days: Can market-centered interventions successfully increase the intake of animal-sourced foods (ASFs) in children 6 – 23 months of age in Tigray, Ethiopia? Leveraging the…

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