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Found 454 results

Zambia Supporting an AIDS-Free Era (USAID)

Despite significant progress towards reaching HIV epidemic control, Zambia continues to struggle with one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world: 12% of persons aged 15-49 are infected, with significant impact among women and men ages 25-34 as well as adolescent girls. The USAID SAFE: Supporting an AIDS-Free Era Program is a $142 million…

Subcutaneous DMPA Access Collaborative

Through the Access Collaborative, JSI is helping to expand contraceptive access and options. Launched in 2017, Access Collaborative, led by PATH and JSI, has supported more than 20 countries to facilitate planning for introduction and scale up of subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC, marketed as Pfizer’s Sayana® Press). The Access Collaborative provides technical assistance to support the…

Vaccination Training for IOM/USRAP

The US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) vaccination program ensures the vaccination and health examination for the pre-departure of all US-bound refugees. To support the rapid expansion of the vaccination program, USRAP intake center staff across many countries must be trained quickly and thoroughly on proper vaccination practices. To help address this growing need, JSI is…

Advancing Partners & Communities, Sierra Leone

Even before Ebola hit Sierra Leone, the country had some of the world’s poorest health outcomes, especially in the area of maternal and child health. Ebola took a major toll on the health system—not only did more than 200 health workers die during the outbreak, but people stopped coming to health clinics. JSI's Advancing Partners…

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine National Introduction

Globally, cervical cancer kills more than 250,000 women every year and 85 percent of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Two types of HPV cause 70 percent of cervical cancers and pre-cancerous cervical lesions. When provided to young girls between 9 and 14 years old, the HPV vaccine is the most cost-effective public health measure to prevent HPV and…

Climate Forward Somerville

Somerville is a thriving, equitable, carbon neutral, and resilient city that is preparing for/adapting to climate change while doing its share to prevent it. JSI is providing environmental public health expertise as a part of a consultant team led by architectural firm, Kleinfelder Inc. and engineering firm, AECOM. Kleinfelder, Inc. and AECOM have extensive experience…

Wisconsin Youth Sex Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Campaign

The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) chose JSI to create a Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Campaign. The Campaign's goal was to inform the public that sex trafficking of Wisconsin youth under the age of 18 is an issue in urban, suburban, and rural communities throughout Wisconsin (WI). The campaign aimed to achieve…

Vermont Infant Safe Sleep Research and Social Marketing

In working towards the Healthy Vermonters 2020 and Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant goals of reducing sudden, unexpected infant death (SUID), it is necessary to develop and disseminate a clear, effective message to parents, caregivers, and providers who work with families of infants about how to establish a safe sleep environment and…

Global Fund Data Use

JSI built a data use improvement package to address the various challenges across the data use continuum, from understanding the barriers to facilitating participatory analysis of the data through workshops and IMPACT teams. JSI employed a user-centered design approach, encouraging innovations in data visualization, and established critical teams for problem solving and follow-up, creating a…

Ethiopia Kangaroo Mother Care Implementation Research for Accelerating Scale-up in Oromia Region (Harvard School of Public Health)

The Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health would like all low-birth weight (LBW) newborns weighing under 2 kg in Ethiopia to receive Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) as part of the care for LBW babies. KMC includes prolonged skin-to-skin contact between a caregiver and newborn, early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding, early discharge from the hospital, and follow-up…

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