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We work to help our clients achieve results that improve health systems, services, and, ultimately, people’s lives.

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Found 454 results

Maine Shared CHNA Community Engagement 2021

The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) has been conducting collaborative statewide needs assessments since 2007. The collaboration consists of a public/private partnership among the four largest health systems in Maine – Central Maine Healthcare (CMHC), MaineGeneral Health (MGH), MaineHealth (MH), Northern Light Health (NLH), and the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention…

Cambridge Public Schools Youth Risk Behavior Survey

To better respond to the health needs of youth and families in the city of Cambridge, Cambridge Public Schools, in collaboration with the Cambridge Health Alliance and Cambridge Public Health Department, conducts a biennial youth risk behavior survey (YRBS). The YRBS assesses health behaviors and risks for middle and high school students. As part of this…

Health Equity Compact

The disproportionate impact on Black and Latinx communities in the COVID-19 pandemic has elevated the urgency of why we must transform the Massachusetts healthcare system to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare, and work towards health equity for all. Despite Massachusetts’ reputation as a leader in health reform, boasting the highest highest rate of…

PMI Uganda Malaria Reduction Activity

The five-year USAID-funded U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) Malaria Reduction Activity in Uganda aims to improve the survival and well-being of Uganda’s most vulnerable pregnant women and children in selected regions. The Activity works with the Government of Uganda to improve technical, managerial, financial, and leadership capacity at all levels of the health system. The…

COVID-19 Vaccine Collaborative Supply Planning Initiative (VCSP)

The COVID-19 vaccine collaborative supply planning (VCSP) initiative is a coordinated and proven intervention to enhance the COVID-19 vaccine supply planning ecosystem. Leveraging current global and local planning processes and data sources, the initiative has developed an approach to triangulate and analyze information to create and maintain robust and agile supply plans to support decisionmaking….

Merck HPV Immunization Delivery 2021

This one-year project, implemented by JSI Research and Training, Inc. (JSI) and funded by Merck Sharpe, and Dohme, is focused on defining and producing guidance on the key elements of HPV delivery systems that are critical to fully vaccinating girls against HPV. Our approach employs the following strategies: Conduct an evidence-based analysis to delineate the…

Engage Leadership though Employment, Validation, and Advancing Transformation and Equity for People Living with HIV (ELEVATE)

The ELEVATE program builds the capacity of people with HIV to be meaningfully involved in the planning, delivery, and improvement of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) services by addressing needs in workforce recruitment, development, and advancement for people with HIV who are aging, young black men, cisgender women, transgender/gender non-conforming, Latinx, or in the recovery…

Nassau County Health Disparities Study – COVID-19 Barriers

JSI is assessing the experiences, attitudes and barriers ten priority communities of color face in receiving COVID-19 testing, treatment, vaccination and related services. in the Nassau County, New York. The priority communities for this study are Baldwin, Elmont, Freeport, Glen Cove, Hempstead, Long Beach, Roosevelt, Uniondale, Valley Stream, and Westbury.  Our approach is rooted in community-based participatory research….

Springfield MGM Casino & Latinx Community Housing Sector

We are working with Neighbor to Neighbor, Inc, a community-based organization in Springfield, MA, to provide technical assistance to examine how the presence of the MGM casino impacts the housing sector. Neighbor to Neighbor serves one of the poorest groups in the state of Massachusetts: Hispanics, mainly Puerto Ricans, living in downtown Springfield in the neighborhood…

Ethiopia COVID-19: Strengthening Risk Communication and Community Engagement (BMGF)

Effective risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) enables uptake of key COVID-19 protective behaviors and critical interventions and bolsters trust in and use of essential health services. This project supports Ethiopia to improve adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures, interrupt transmission, and reduce vaccine hesitancy through effective RCCE approaches.  The project will strengthen compliance with COVID-19…

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