JSI RESOURCES: Publications

AIDSFree Zambia End of Project Summary


This End of Project Summary presents the Strengthening High Impact Interventions for an AIDS-free Generation (AIDSFree) Project’s Zambia eLMIS programmatic achievements from October 1, 2016, to March 31, 2020.

In Zambia, AIDSFree enabled transition from a paper-based system of data management to an electronic format to foster better, faster, and more accurate reporting of supply chain data and reduce stockouts of health commodities. With AIDSFree support, the MOH and MSL are now able to access eLMIS Central Edition (CE) benefiting 2,600 health facilities nationwide. The Facility Edition (FE) has been installed at 379 health facilities as of June 2019. The eLMIS has enabled Zambia to achieve measurable improvements in logistics management including broader involvement of user groups in data update and use and visibility of supply chain operations to all stakeholders.

Improvements in health care service delivery have resulted in reduction of waste—overstocks are monitored and redistributed. There has also been a reduction in missed treatment opportunities and better adherence. Zambia has also improved its capacity to support the WHO’s universal test and treat strategy, furthering the 95-95-95 goals with an increase in use of HIV test kits.

These programs continued to advance progress toward the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS’s 95-95-95 global goals. JSI/AIDSFree. 2020. 

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