JSI RESOURCES: Journal article

Brief Report: Quantitative Assessment of Brief Messages About HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino MSM

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The 2014 Messages4Men Study focused on black and Hispanic/Latino MSM in Chicago, Fort Lauderdale, and Kansas City (n = 937). Brief (2–3 sentence) messages were tested: a PrEP message tailored for HIV-uninfected MSM (n = 607) and a PrEP message tailored for HIV-infected MSM (n = 330). After reading the message, participants reported believability and awareness, and intent to use PrEP and condoms. Analyses consisted of bivariate and multivariable approaches.

Authors: Gordon Mansergh, Brittney Baack, Jeremy Holman, Matthew Mimiaga, Stewart Landers, Jeffrey Herbst. 2019.

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