JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Data for Action: Coordination and Implementation of Home-based Record (HBR) Redesigns and Improved Use


JSI has a two year grant with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to look at the coordination and implementation of home-based records
(HBRs, also referred to as immunization cards or child health cards/booklets). We have explored opportunities to increase availability
and use of HBRs through field work in 4 countries and also supporting redesign efforts in interested countries. HBRs are one of several tools used by immunization programs at the facility and community level, some of which are name-based and others are number-based. Immunization reporting tools vary somewhat between countries, but the usual paper-based tools (that may also exist in electronic form) used at the health facility level include:

  • immunization register (or immunization section within a child health or DHIS register);
  • tally sheet (for recording numbers of doses given by antigen);
  • immunization/child home based record (HBR) (for parents to keep as a record of vaccinations received and dates);
  • tickler file system and/or community register (i.e. name-based tracking at the facility and/or a tool used by a CHW/mobilizer);
  • stock ledger (vaccine quantities by antigen and vial, syringes and needles, card supply)
  • coverage wall chart (monthly summarized coverage by antigen and number of target population vaccinated)


It’s important that each of these are used properly to triangulate data for individual child tracking and reporting and for data summarization by the program. When used together and data entries are up-to-date, they provide a complete picture of the vaccination program for the target population and for each child’s vaccination status. Although parts of the content are similar, each tool provides some distinct information that assists with name-based and/ or number-based reporting and data summarizing. This poster was presented at the TechNet conference in 2017.


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