JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Ebola Transmission Prevention and Survivor Services Program Overview: Liberia


This document, written by JSI in 2017, provides a brief outline of the Ebola Transmission Prevention and Survivor Services (ETP&SS) program in Liberia. The ETP&SS program works to mitigate the risk of resurgence of the Ebola virus. Survivors experience psychological complications that require specialized medical attention, such as anxiety disorders, depression, and posttraumatic stress.

The core objectives of the program are as follows:

  1. Strengthen coordination and management of activities for Ebola survivors through the National Ebola Survivor Secretariat and the National Ebola Survivor’s Network
  2. Improve access for Ebola survivors to health services through health facilities that care for survivors; and combat stigma and discrimination among providers
  3. Build health system capacity to provide necessary, specialized health services to care for common complications.

The ETP&SS program focuses its health interventions on four high-priority counties in Liberia: Montserrado, Margibi, Bong, and Lofa. In total, 11 counties that were affected by the EVD will receive clinical, mental, and psychosocial support.

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