JSI RESOURCES: Publications

TIFA Accelerator Series – Expanding TB Case Finding in the Face of COVID-19


In February 2020, as the spread of the COVID-19 accelerated across the globe, the Malawi National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Elimination Program (NTLEP) submitted a concept paper for a TB commitment grant (TCG). The concept focused on increasing facility-based case finding, an important intervention to find missing cases and increase TB case notification. Neither the NTLEP, TIFA, nor USAID recognized at the time that the pandemic would affect all of our lives for the foreseeable future. As understanding grew that grant development and TB services would need to adapt to a COVID-19 world, TIFA and the NTLEP found new ways to work together to implement interventions for Malawi’s TB-affected populations. This TIFA Accelerator series story describes those efforts.

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