JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Family planning and Youth: Increasing Youth access to family planning services using the peer-mentoring approach in the MAHEFA program areas


Young people aged 10-24 account for 32 percent of the total population in Madagascar, with 17 percent between the ages of 15 to 24 years. Family planning has been adopted by the Government of Madagascar (GOM) as an important strategy to reduce maternal mortality. Attitudes and behaviors on family planning have changed significantly between 1992 and 2012 as evidenced by a contraceptive prevalence rate that has increased by 28.2 percent 4 in the past two decades.

This technical brief examines how MAHEFA used a mentoring approach between community health volunteers (CHVs) and youth peer educators in selected areas to increase access to and utilization of FP services among young people. MAHEFA worked in 24 districts made up of multiple communes and FP activities targeted youth in the capital communes of each district. JSI / USAID | CBIHP, 2016.

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