JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Frequently Asked Questions on Immunization for Program Managers

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Rapid development of Universal Immunization Program in India, especially in terms of new vaccine introduction, has led to several changes in existing policies, guidelines and protocols, in a very short time. Thus, it is imperative that all stakeholders, especially at the field level, are informed of the latest updates in the program in a consolidated package. To address to this need, a standard package of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) has been prepared and customized for all stakeholders, answering to the common queries of various stakeholders including program managers. Use of these FAQ packages targeted to specific stakeholder groups will eventually facilitate an increase in awareness and demand generation for immunization services at all levels.

The FAQ booklets have been designed taking into consideration the requirement of different targeted groups to ensure that the FAQ packages are user-friendly and appealing to the relevant stakeholders. JSI for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, 2017.

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