JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Healthy Start CoIIN Assessment Report


This report documents findings from an assessment of successes, challenges and outcomes of the inaugural HS CoIIN through the five-year funding period: March 2014-March 2019. The assessment gathered data from a range of stakeholders, and focused on internal operations of the innovative Healthy Start CoIIN structure and function, and its impact on members and other stakeholders.

The assessment and this report aim to inform the Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services (DHSPS), other internal Maternal Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and external stakeholders, regarding:

  • key factors that contribute to the CoIIN’s successes and challenges;
  • group process in developing lessons learned and recommendations for future HS CoINs; and
  • strengths and accomplishments of the HS CoIIN.

It also provides documentation of the inaugural HS CoIIN implementation, key priorities, achievements, and lessons learned. JSI/Healthy Start. 2019.

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