JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Improving the Generation, Quality, and Use of Routine Immunization Data


Using high-quality routine immunization data is critical to helping health officials and managers plan services and make decisions that enable them to reach every child with immunization. MCSP is documenting lessons learned across MCSP-supported countries using different approaches to improve the generation and active use of routine immunization data at levels close to where the data is generated.

MCSP worked to identify interventions that improve the quality and active use of data by those who generate and are closest to the datas well as documenting the rationale and evidence for these interventions’ positive effect on quality of data and active use of data. The project also identified factors favoring the replicability of identified approaches; and worked to enhance sharing and learning across program countries.

This document highlights MCSP's objectives and preliminary learning and includes examples of approaches to reaching target populations. JSI/Maternal and Child Survival Program. 2018.

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