JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Leveraging HIV and AIDS funding to strengthen health systems beyond HIV programs in hard-to-reach communities: The case of Bukooli Islands Women Integrated HIV and AIDS Initiatives (BIWIHI); Namayingo District, Uganda


In 2011, STAR-EC identified and partnered with BIWIHI, a CSO based in Dolwe Island, to improve and increase community access to HIV and AIDS services. STAR-EC provided funding, technical capacity building, maternity coaches, and medical equipment including microscopes, motorcycles, and other logistical support for medical supplies.

STAR-EC also facilitated a district health team of clinicians, counselors, nurses, and laboratory staff to conduct regular integrated clinical outreach to the islands. Clinical services provided during the outreach visits included HIV testing and counseling, voluntary medical male circumcision, HIV and AIDS risk reduction counseling, condom promotion, antiretroviral therapy provision, and financial performance reviews.

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