JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Modeling to support decision-making for 5-dose measles-rubella routine vaccination in Zambia – DPCP Snapshot


The widespread use of multidose vaccine containers in low- and middle-income countries’ immunization programs is assumed to offer
benefits and efficiencies for health systems, such as reducing the purchase price per vaccine dose and easing cold chain requirements.

As part of the Dose per Container Partnership (DPCP), the HERMES Logistics Modeling Team used computer simulation modeling to analyze the different effects of tailoring measles-rubella (MR) vaccine in 5-dose and 10-dose vials to different scenarios in Zambia’s routine immunization program.

The results of the modeling show that switching to 5-dose MR in Zambia can reduce wastage and increase the number of doses administered to varying degrees in the different scenarios of 5-dose in all facilities, tailoring to urban or rural districts or facilities, and particularly beneficial if tailoring to session size.

This document is intended to provide stakeholders evidence to guide informed, sustainable decisions on dose per container when considering vaccine products and program design. JSI, Dose per Container Partnership. 2018.

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