JSI RESOURCES: Publications

PrEPas a Layered Service for DREAMS and other AGYW in Zambia: Insights for Roll-out from the USAID DISCOVER-Health Project


The USAID DISCOVER-Health Project (DISCOVER), implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute (JSI), supports the Ministry of Health (MOH) to improve access to and utilization of quality HIV services in Zambia.

DISCOVER was among the first MOH partners to roll out PrEPafter May 2018 scale-up approval and is currently providing oral PrEPservices to AGYW in DREAMS districts, using product donated for DREAMS by Gilead Sciences. This poster was presented at the AIDS 2020 Virtual Conference. 

Authors: M Njelesani; M Nyumbu; L. Cicciò; C. Madevu-Matson; A Fullem; M. Chikuba-McLeod, 2020

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