JSI RESOURCES: Journal article

Recommendations for Multi-sector Nutrition Planning: Cross-context Lessons from Nepal and Uganda

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SPRING Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) case studies documented successes and challenges in implementing national multi-sector nutrition action plans (NNAPs) in Nepal and Uganda.

Common drivers of change across both countries included strong multi-sector coordination of nutrition activities that involved national nutrition secretariats and strong advocacy partnerships and communication. Barriers to change included vertical coordination, poor coordination with academia and business, high staff turnover and constrained staff availability.

Integrating NNAPs into existing local and national policy and work planning structures, budgeting processes and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems remains a key challenge. Linked to NNAPs, increased prioritization of nutrition across sectors and increased funding allocation for nutrition was observed; however, nutrition spend did not necessarily increase. Lack of clear accounting mechanisms for nutrition-related allocations and spending limited analysis. Cross-country recommendations include: setting long-terms goals for scale-up; all partners, including donors and the UN agencies aligning with NNAPs; consideration of formal funding mechanisms for nutrition; and embedding nutrition into national strategies, financial reporting systems and M&E mechanisms.
Authors: Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens, Heather Viland, and Sascha Lamstein

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