JSI RESOURCES: Publications

SPRING: The Integrated 1,000-Day Household Approach in Ghana


In line with global programming, SPRING’s stunting and anemia reduction efforts focus on the segment of the lifecycle called the “first 1,000 days,” which encompasses pregnancy and the child’s first two years. This window of opportunity is the time to take action to prevent stunting in young children because it is a time of rapid growth and development.

In response to the GHS priorities and global best practices for stunting prevention and anemia control, SPRING/Ghana developed an integrated, multisectoral program that links the nutrition, WASH, and agriculture sectors and focuses on priority household actions that address the three underlying causes of undernutrition: 1) inadequate care practices in the household, 2) infrequent use of health facilities and poor WASH infrastructure, and 3) lack of access to nutritious foods. JSI/SPRING Project, 2017.

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