JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Survivor Stories to Build Partnerships: Tools for Domestic Violence Service Providers

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The connection between domestic violence (DV), social determinants of health, and other pressing issues may not always be clear to potential partners who do not work in the DV/trauma prevention fields. JSI developed a set of tools for domestic violence service providers—in the form of stories—to address this gap. The first three stories depict the connection between DV and a key social issue (housing instability, economic insecurity, or childhood adversity). The fourth story makes the case for health care providers to employ a universal education approach to prevent and respond to domestic violence. These tools have been designed to help potential partners, collaboratives, and funders to better understand the connection between DV and their focus area, and to motivate them to take action through partnership. Each tool is meant to be downloaded and customized with DV providers' organizational information. 

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