JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Technical Brief 9: Community Engagement in Tuberculosis: Improving Person-centered Services across the Continuum of Care in Kyrgyzstan


The USAID Cure Tuberculosis project, implemented by JSI, conducted formative research at its inception in 2020 to better understand awareness of TB and the social and behavioral factors influencing TB testing and treatment, and perceived stigma and discrimination among the general population, key priority groups, TB patients, and health providers. 

The project used findings from this research to design a comprehensive social and behavior change (SBC) strategy with key activities and messages tailored to different groups, to encourage TB testing, adherence to treatment, and support to TB patients and their families. The project engaged civil society organizations (CSOs) to help implement the SBC strategy by raising community-level awareness of TB, detecting people with TB symptoms and linking them to care, and providing community-based TB treatment support to patients from priority groups.

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